At SoCo Music Project we are incredibly proud of our talented music leaders. We bring together compassionate, intelligent and gifted practitioners, all credible and active musicians and performers, who inspire and engage through a diverse programme of projects and activities. Please see below to find out more about the people that make SoCo tick, and if you want to be part of this exciting team, get in touch!
SoCo Team

Aidan Cooper
Studio Manager

Andrea Resino Martin
Studio/Radio Producer

Andrew Herbert
Music Leader

Becky Honeycombe-Foster
CHAOS Co-ordinator

Bianca Webb
Senior Youth Worker

Craig Lockwood
Head of Youth

Frankie Duarte
Music Leader

Hayley McDonnell
Music Leader

Ignacio Agrimbau
Music Leader

Jim Chorley
Music Leader

Josh Deen
Music Leader/Marketing

Kate Mellors
Music Leader

Katy Hooper
Music Leader

Kerry Smith
Music Leader

Louis Duarte
Music Leader

Lucy Whetren
Music Leader

Mark Scott
Head of Community Learning

Marta Del Olmo Yelamos
Radio Producer/Marketing

Matt Salvage

Neil Simpson Treloar
Director - Music Industry Office

Rachel Roberts

Reubin Yarnold
Music Leader/Marketing

Shannon Evans
Music Leader
Board of Trustees

Bill Acharjee
Trustee/EDI Champion

Fiona Lapraik

Kate Maple

Lesley Black

Mac Ince
Trustee/Environmental Champion

Ralph White

Rob Kurn
Trustee - Chair

Stu Elbrow
Trustee - Treasurer